BasiEgaXorz is a BASIC compiler for the Sega Genesis consoles. That means, by using this compiler, you can program in a form of BASIC language to create awesome programs, or games for your old Sega Genesis game console. The compiler will also compile CD ISOs for the Sega CD attachment, ROMs that can use the features of the 32x extension, and not to mention, creating ROMs for the regular console without attachements.
Main features:
-Full text displaying and color features withe the PRINT and INK commands
-User input using the INPUT command
-Background tile graphics (for both planes) and sprite graphics of the VDP supported
-Joypad functions included
-Pallette changing and loading commands are there
-Tile graphics changing and loading commands there too
-Limited tile mapping supported
-Background plane scrolling supported
-PSG sound effects support